I choose to love myself now
I am a radiating source of perfect love
I honor myself and listen to my needs
I love to give myself compliments and notice things I do well
I am one of a kind
I choose the best version of myself that is whole and complete
I see myself as beautiful and radiant
I choose to love who I am and accept myself
I am brilliant
I am irreplaceable
I am the only person in the world who possesses my unique qualities
I am special and wonderful
I am a source of radiant love
I choose to see myself as a beautiful soul who deserves the best in life
I am lovely
I accept my perceived flaws and choose to lovingly work on them instead of ever condemning myself
I am the prize and will hold high standards in all of my relationships
I am irresistible and people like me
I am a treasure
I draw good people into my life who treat me with respect and unconditional love
I deserve to have my heart’s desires
I feel myself to be the brilliant version of me that I was always meant to be
I cherish who I am
I am a gem
I let my personality shine through and never hide who I am for fear of rejection
I easily choose to recognize my loveliness
I open myself up to having all past wrongs be made up to me
I am fantastic
I am so beautiful
I have significance and importance
I am amazing and can accomplish wonderful things
I am capable of achieving anything I adopt in my heart as my truth
I am strong
I am a lucky person
I am pure love in the highest form
I see myself as exceptional
I am able to feel comfort and safety and grant myself this relaxed feeling
I am remarkable
I see myself as outstanding
I am a magnet for love and good things
I am valuable
I am beyond compare
I am meaningful
I am a miracle and therefore everything is possible
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